When God Spoke
‘When God Spoke’ is a fun way to sing your way through classic Christian content for kids. Each song is a different genre, so adults won’t be bored as their children are fed great Scriptural principles. ‘God’s Family is Love’ opens with shouts and hugs. Next, is the title song, ‘When God Spoke’, with a circus-theme; astounding all to consider the greatest, most marvellous claim of all: that God created everything out of nothing, by simply speaking the Word! We meet the Father of our Faith in ‘Like Abraham, I Believe’. ‘The Ten Commandment Song’ (reformed version) is sung with high-fives and high-tens! ‘We Turn Away’ in sin when Christ does not. ‘The Communion Song’ reminds all that the Creator of bread and wine was broken and poured out for us. ‘Be A Blessing’ is a Great Commission song for kids. ‘How Do You Get Ready for Jesus?’ encourages kids to treat Jesus as their best friend. ‘Keep on Knockin’ encourages persistent prayer. The story of the ‘Pass Over’ is sung by the fleeing slaves. ‘Living Bread’ reports on Christ teaching us on the Road to Emmaus. ‘Our Prayer is Like Incense’ is reverential, and ‘Teach Us to Pray’ is the Lord’s Prayer in song for two-part choir. All songs are in Stereo and Split-track.
- When God Spoke
- God’s Family is Love
- Like Abraham, I Believe
- Ten Commandments (Reformed)
- We Turn Away
- The Communion Song
- Be a Blessing
- How Do You Get Ready For God?
- Keep on Knockin’
- Pass Over
- Living Bread
- Our Prayer is Like Incense
- Teach Us To Pray
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